Safety Slogans
Over 500 popular safety slogans for your safety awareness campaigns!
- ’97 – Too soon to see Heaven – Safety First
- “Hey, wanna see something cool?” (Last words uttered before a mishap)
- “It’s not how fast you go it’s knowing when to go slow”. (Mario Andretti.)
- “Working safely keeps everyone working. ”.
- 10 Fingers 10 Toes IF you are not Safe Who Knows
- 30 Days has September
- 6? of bruise is better than 6' under – Buckle up!
- A “Safety” attitude is one that never hurts to take home with you
- A casual attitude towards safety = CASUALTY
- A harness is better than a hearse
- A safer you is a safer me
- A spill, a slip, a hospital trip
- A wound neglected is a wound infected
- Accident prevention – Your No. 1 intention.
- Accidents Big Or Small, Avoid Them All
- Accidents hurt, Safety doesn’t.
- Alert today. Alive tomorrow.
- Always look after No. 1 and if you need help just ask.
- Always think safety no matter what the task
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- Anger is one letter away from Danger. Drive gently.
- Are you part of the safety TEAM….(Together Employees Accomplish More)
- Arms work best when attached to the body
- At work at play, let safety lead the way
- At Work, At Home, Let Safety Be Known
- At work, at play, let safety lead the way
- Avoid the worst. Put safety first.
- Be a leader, follow safe procedures
- Be a safety hero – score an accident zero
- Be alert! Accidents hurt
- Be alert, be aware, be alive
- Be alert–accidents hurt
- Be aware – Take care
- Be aware of slips and trips
- Be aware Take care
- Be hand-in-glove with safety
- Be proactive–not reactive–towards safety
- Be safe at work or you might miss welcome home, a hug, a kiss
- Be safety smart right from the start
- Be sure be safe
- Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are
- Be visible when biking or jogging, wear reflective material
- Before using any new equipment, read and fully understand the manufacturer’s instructions
- Before you do it, take time to think through it.
- Before you go boating, leave a float plan with a friend or marina operator
- Before you start – Be safety smart
- Behind the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger
- Being accident free is doing your part
- Being alert never hurts
- Being safe is like breathing you never want to stop
- BEST BE Safe Today
- Better dead sure than sure dead
- Better late in this world than early to the next
- Better to arrive late than never. Drive carefully!
- Better to be safe than to be sorry!
- Better to have two on the job than one in the hospital
- Better to lock out than luck out
- Better to tie off than to fly off
- Boat load limits; don’t exceed them
- Boat safely, know before you go
- Bottoms up, booze and boating don’t mix
- Broken tools can be replaced. You can’t.
- Business stalls if you slip and fall
- CAUTION – I Brake For Stop Signs!
- Caution: Read, then proceed
- Chance takers are accident makers
- Change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors annually
- Check for safety then recheck
- Check your shoes and don’t let your day slip away
- Check yourself before you wreck yourself
- Children should always wear a helmet while riding their bikes
- Complacency will hurt you when you least expect it
- Courtesy and common sense promote safety.
- Crashing sucks
- Dare to be aware.
- Death lurks in Confined Spaces
- Disobedience of traffic rules exterminate the purpose of life (thanks to Bhaskar Sen)
- Do a pre warm-up and stretch prior to participating in any sport
- Do the do’s not the don’t s
- Do the easy work first–you could be replaced before the hard work starts
- Do you know how to report an unsafe condition in your workplace?
- Don’t be a fool! Inspect your electrical tools
- Don’t be a fool, cause safety is cool, so make that your rule.
- Don’t be a fool. Use the proper tool.
- Don’t be hasty when it comes to safety.
- Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.
- Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem
- Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts. (This is written in the background of a spider web. )
- Don’t get caught with your guard off – it could be disarming
- Don’t get spooked by safety. (This is placed next to a picture of a ghost).
- Don’t just preach safety, profit from it
- Don’t learn safety by accident.
- Don’t leave safe habits at work, take them home
- Don’t let safety take a holiday
- Don’t let the light go out, wear eye protection
- Don’t lose your head to gain a minute, You’ll need your head, Your brains are in it!
- Don’t lose your head: Read signs instead
- Don’t overload extension cords
- Don’t put your life on the line in 2009 – Think safety
- Don’t put your life on the line. Think safety.
- Don’t take unnecessary risks, use operational risk management
- Don’t treat an emergency as normal and don’t treat normal actions as emergencies
- Don’t work alone Watch for others
- Double check to prevent a wreck
- Dress for the weather. In cold weather, it’s better to wear several layers of clothing than one bulky item.
- Drink plenty of cool water to prevent dehydration in the summer
- Drinking and driving – There are stupider things, but it’s a very short list
- Electricity can turn you off
- Even in a hi-tech world your eyes are still your greatest asset
- Every accident – every – time if it’s predictable it’s preventable
- Exercise at a comfortable pace
- Exercise indoors when the air temperature plus the humidity reaches 150F
- Expect the unexpected. Gear up for safety.
- Eyes are priceless, eye protection is cheap.
- Fail Safety and it will fail you
- Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail
- Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle
- Field2. Field3. Field4
- Fingers toes, If you are not safe Who knows?
- First…safety…last
- Flesh and Bone are no match for a grinding Stone
- FOD — This isn’t your daddy’s flight line
- Folks don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care
- Follow traffic rules, save your future (thanks to Bhaskar Sen)
- For a good time, Dial 911- operators are standing by!
- For safe bicycling obey all traffic signals, signs and pavement markings
- Forget the hearse with safety first
- Forget the nurse with safety first
- Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!
- Get a grip. To prevent a slip, use hand rails.
- Get a medical check-up before starting any exercise routine
- Get help if the load’s too heavy
- Get in high speed pursuit of safety
- Get In S. T. E
- Get smart! Use safety from the start.
- Get the safety habit
- Going fishing? Get hooked on safety
- Good habits will normally keep you out of bad trouble
- Good housekeeping prevents accidents
- Guard against man eating machines
- Hand in, hamburger out
- Hard hats, they’re not just for decoration.
- Have another day – by being safe today!
- Have another day by being safe today!
- Have you an eye for safety or are you blinded by bad habits
- Have your chimney inspected by a professional before each heating season
- Have your furnace checked every year by a professional
- Health and safety, words to live by
- Hear to-day gone tomorrow – use you hearing protection
- Hearing protection is a sound investment.
- Home safe–not just for baseball
- Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!
- Ice skating on thin ice can be deadly, skate in supervised areas
- If caught in a riptide: go with the flow
- If everything comes your way, you are in the wrong lane
- If in doubt check it out – Safety First
- If the cord has a fray, throw it away
- If the little voice says, “I wonder if this is safe to do?”, it probably isn’t
- If you are aware of it take care of it
- If you can’t be good, be careful. If you can’t be careful, we’ll get a call.
- If you can’t find the time to do it right, when will you find the time to do it over? If you don’t have time to do it safe, do you have time to do it with a man down?
- If you don’t know what is going to happen, there is no way to stop it. Plan ahead for safety.
- If you don’t think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen to them
- If you don’t think it’s safe, it probably isn’t. Stop the job and contact your supervisor.
- If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke
- If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt.
- If you fidget with safety you could lose a digit
- If you mess up, ‘fess up
- If you think safety is expensive, try ignorance
- If you think your safety specialist is a pain, try a leg fracture
- If you’re going to be stupid, you have to be tough!
- Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning
- In case of injury remember “rice”- rest, ice, compress and elevate
- Informed is better than deformed
- Invest in tomorrow. Practice safety today.
- Is better to crash into a nap… than to nap into a crash
- Is better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute.
- Is better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute
- It hurts to be unsafe
- It’s better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one
- It’s better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute
- It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake
- It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a stupid mistake
- It’s not the bullet that kills you, it’s the hole. Call 911.
- Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right
- Keep a grip on life and protect your hands
- Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.
- Keep your eyes on safety
- Keep your kids safe. They’ll choose your nursing home.
- KISS Keep it Safe and Sound
- Knock out…accidents
- Knock out…accidents
- Know safety – No injury. — No safety – Know injury.
- Know safety No Accidents
- Lead the way, safety today
- Lead the way, safety today.
- Learn from others mistakes, don’t have others learn from you.
- Leave firework displays to professionals
- Leave horse play to horses
- Let safety be a sponge – soak it up
- Let’s all keep our heads, and other body parts, together
- Life did not begin as an accident; don’t end it with one
- Life did not begin by accident. Don’t end it as one.
- Lift Smart – Think Then Start!
- Lift smart, think, then start
- Lift with your legs, not your back
- Lifting is a breeze when you bend at the knees
- Light up your Christmas tree, not your home; use approved decorations and lights
- Living with your mistakes is harder than you think…. wear your safety gear.
- Look sharp don’t get cut
- Luck runs out but safety is good for life
- Machine guards keep you on your side
- Macho does not prove mucho. Do it safely.
- Make safety a part of your work
- Make safety a priority
- Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality
- Make safety first, and make it last
- Make your plant the best – safer than all the rest
- Mixing bleach and ammonia can be deadly
- Momma didn’t raise no fool… I use PPE to stay cool!
- More waste prevention + more recycling =Less waste = Less landfill
- Move your ladder to avoid reaching
- Mow across the slope when using a hand mower. Drive up and down the slope for stability when using a riding mower.
- Mowing and drinking doesn’t cut it
- My job provides my paycheck, but safety takes me home.
- Near miss reported today, is the accident that does not happen tomorrow
- Never forget about safety
- Never give safety a day off
- Never think working safe is in vain when it could save a life time of pain
- New Year Resolution – if its unsafe I will find a solution
- No injuries to anyone, ever
- No Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain
- No safety know pain, know safety no pain
- Normal speed meets every need
- Old fire-fighters never die, they just stop arson around!”
- One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life
- One rung too high and you could die
- One safe act can lead to another
- One split second of carelessness could change your entire future
- Only fools break safety rules
- Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!
- Operating a boat while intoxicated is illegal
- Organ donor — A person who doesn’t wear his or her helmet
- Our aim, no accidents
- Our Job is Anchored in Safety
- Our paramedics give you a charge!
- Pencils have erasers–mishaps don’t!
- People helping people–lending hands for our safety
- Personal floatation devices, don’t leave the dock without them
- Personal Protective Equipment is Self Defence
- Plan and practice exit drills in the home
- Play it safe
- Play it safe in the water, swim in areas with life guards
- Practice safety in all you do — everyone depends on you!
- Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent
- Pretend like you are invisible when driving a motorcycle or bicycle, because a small percentage of people driving cars will never see you
- Prevent boating accidents, take a small boat safety course
- Prevent hunting accidents, know your target before you shoot
- Prior to games, check playing field to avoid fields of screams
- Proper planning prevents piss-poor performance
- Protect your back – Use a jack
- Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check
- Protect your hands…Use your head
- Protect your thoughts and wear a hard hat
- Put safety first – Prevent the worst
- Put Safety into action — stay out of Traction!
- Put your brakes on speed
- Quench the thirst–Safety First
- Remember – Safety is not a job; it is a way of life
- Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger
- Risk – is is worth it?
- SAFE — Staying Accident-Free Everywhere
- Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction
- Safe and healthy!
- Safe boating is no accident
- Safe crane operation is uplifting
- Safe Operators are Smooth Operators
- Safe to do? Ask
- Safe today – Alive tomorrow
- Safety – a good friend to take home
- Safety - A small investment for a rich future
- Safety – everyone’s full time job
- Safety – it’s in your hands
- Safety – it’s the tool for LIFE
- Safety – Live with it
- SAFETY – The measure of success
- Safety and quality go hand in hand
- Safety Awareness Helps Save Lives
- Safety begins with No. 1.
- Safety begins with teamwork
- Safety by Choice, Not by Chance
- Safety by Choice, Not by Chance.
- Safety can distinguish you. Lack of safety can extinguish you.
- Safety Clicks in 2006
- Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary
- Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe.
- Safety Conscious, Smart Obvious
- Safety doesn’t happen by accident
- Safety doesn’t slow the job down but mishaps do
- Safety first – Please remember
- Safety first and last longer
- Safety first makes us last.
- Safety First!
- Safety First, Avoid the Worst.
- Safety First, Last and Always
- Safety first, to last.
- Safety first…because accidents last.
- Safety fits like a glove; Try one on.
- Safety gear — 2 minutes … Risk assessment — 5 minutes … A mishap that takes a life — forever
- Safety Glasses – All in favour say EYE
- Safety glasses: All in favor say “Eye!”
- Safety glasses: Making foresight 20/20
- Safety has no quitting time
- Safety has no time out
- Safety in – we win
- Safety in the mine in 2009
- Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy.
- Safety is a continuing journey, not a final destination.
- Safety is a frame of mind – So concentrate on it all the time.
- Safety is a Frame of Mind, Get the Picture.
- Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice
- Safety is a mission not an intermission
- Safety is a race we can all win
- Safety is a state of mind – Accidents are an absence of mind
- Safety is a value – not a priority
- Safety is a way of life
- Safety is about doing the right thing, even if no one is looking
- Safety is about doing the right thing, even if no one is looking.
- Safety is as easy as A-B-C: Always Be Careful
- Safety is everybody’s job
- Safety is everyone’s responsibility
- Safety is free use it generously
- Safety is like a lock – But you are the key
- Safety is no accident
- Safety is our business too
- Safety is our goal…Whats yours
- Safety is something you learn from the start – Being accident free is doing your part
- Safety is success by purpose – Not Accident.
- Safety is the light …. Let it shine.
- Safety Is Your Life’s Work
- Safety isn’t a hobby, it’s a living
- Safety isn’t expensive its priceless
- Safety isn’t for helping you up, it’s to keep you from falling.
- Safety isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life.
- Safety never hurts!
- Safety never takes a holiday
- Safety pays
- Safety pays all ways
- Safety practices … Do or die
- Safety records don’t happen by accident
- Safety rules are there to follow. So take care and we will see you tomorrow.
- Safety rules are your best tools.
- Safety saves, Accidents cost you.
- Safety starts with “S” but begins with “YOU”
- Safety starts with me
- Safety starts with S but begins with you
- Safety will set you free
- Safety, it’s for life
- Safety: expect the unexpected
- SAFETY: To be or not to be — there’s no question about it!
- Safety’s great in 2008
- Safety’s intention is accident prevention
- Safety’s the key to accident free
- Safety… A commitment to yourself
- Safety… Always in season
- Safety… It can charm you, or ALARM you!
- Safety… You will regret if you forget
- Safety…Did it, done it, doing it tomorrow
- Safety…Do it. Do it right. Do it right now
- Safety…it’s my job
- Safety…you do make a difference
- Santa likes a clean chimney, so do we
- Save life to obey the traffic rules (thanks to Rustam Mukherjee)
- Save tomorrow. Think safety today.
- Search & Rescue Officers do it any time, any place, under any conditions and they do it for free
- Seat Belts are for kids - Hug them at home - Belt them in the car
- Shortcuts cut life short
- Shortcuts don’t cut it
- Slip, trip and fall are four-letter words
- Slow down! Your family will be waiting for you
- Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors save lives
- Smoke detectors make good stocking stuffers
- Some have eyes and cannot see Some have ears and cannot hear So lets be wise And wear our safety gear
- Speak up for safety
- Stay Alert, Stay Alive!
- Stay in shape, not only during basketball season, but also after the season
- Step up, be safe, or step aside
- Still water doesn’t always run deep, look before you leap
- Stop ! Think ! Then Act !
- Stop accidents before they stop you
- Stop unsafe acts now
- Stop! Safety pays
- Stop! Think! Then Act!
- Store guns and ammo separately
- Stretch and flex for your health and safety
- Success is no accident
- Support your local Search and Rescue Squad – Get Lost
- Take the extra step for safety
- Take time out for safety
- Team up to safety
- The adage “look before you leap” is a lifesaver
- The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it
- The best safety device is a safe worker
- The difference between preaching and practicing Safety is measured one Safety Rep at a time
- The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense
- The earth spins at 1,000 mph. Wear your seat belts.
- The essence of road safety is to live healthy (thanks to Bhaskar Sen)
- The first 3 letters in workplace safety YOU
- The goal must be zero accidents
- The hotter it gets on the outside, the more water you need inside
- The only excuse for poor safety is poor planning
- The price of an accident is always high
- The safe way is the right way
- The safety risk is the one you didn’t take
- The stupid shall be punished
- There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth getting
- There aren’t many new accidents, but there sure are a lot of new victims
- There’s no face like your own, wear face protection
- There’s no such thing as new accidents, just new victims
- Think positive an accident is only an attitude away
- Think safety – it couldn’t hurt
- Think safety 1st
- Think safety and act Safely
- Think safety avoid unsafe acts
- Think safety before you start
- Think Safety, Because I Love You Man.
- Think sharp…. never handle broken glass with bare hands.
- Think smart before you start.
- This is not a hobby for me–I do this for a living
- This machine can kill you
- This tool will punch you in the face , if you let it
- Those precious fingers don’t ignore. . . Or they could end up on the floor
- Those who work the safest way, live to work another day!
- Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way.
- To avoid a scene, keep your workplace clean.
- To learn about eye protection, ask someone who has one
- To see or not to see, use eye protection
- Tomorrow: Your reward for working safely today.
- Triumph is just an “umph” ahead of try
- Trying to make up time could cost you your life
- Turn your attention to accident prevention
- Unnecessary risks may leave you on the sidelines instead of in the game
- Unprepared = Unsafe
- Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches
- Use proper equipment for confined spaces or you may find yourself in the final confined space…a coffin
- Use safety as a vital tool, at work it’s the “Golden Rule”
- Use the right tool for the job
- Use your eyes, don’t lose them
- Use your head figuratively—wear a helmet
- Use your wits…use padded mitts
- Using Safety gloves is all in your hands
- Volunteers do it for free!
- Watch what you heat
- Watch your step - it could be your last tomorrow
- We all want to go home to our families at the end of the day
- We need you – work safely
- Wear a bicycle helmet to prevent serious head injuries
- Wear an approved bike helmet when you go bike riding, it could save your life
- Wear personal flotation devices, they float, you don’t
- Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life
- Wear the right protective equipment for the job
- What would improve safety on your job? Tell your boss
- What you don’t know about Safety could Hurt you
- What’s it Worth – Safety First
- When disconnecting cords, pull the plug rather than the cord
- When everything else fails, follow the instructions
- When in doubt get out
- When in doubt, check it out
- When in doubt, safety wins out
- When it seems there is never enough time to do things the right way, remember there is always enough time for an investigation
- When it’s hot, drink plenty of fluids
- When jogging, run against the traffic flow
- When safety is first, you last
- When walkways freeze – walk safely please
- When you gamble with safety you bet your life
- When you’re done messin’ up, sweep your darn resin up
- When you’re out on the water, don’t forget the basics of safe boating
- While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work
- Why learn the hard way? Obey safety rules
- Wipe Up and avoid a Slip Up!
- Wishing won’t keep you safe; Safety Will
- Work safe today–heaven can wait
- Work safely or Hurt greatly
- Work safely to-day and every day
- Work smarter not harder
- Work together…work safely
- Working safely each day will keep the doctor away
- Working safely is like breathing; If you don’t, you die!
- Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it.
- Working together gets the job done safely
- Working without Safety is a Dead-End Job
- Yes safety is my business
- You bet your life when you take a chance
- You can eat with false teeth, you can walk with a wooden leg, you can even hear with a hearing aid, but you can’t see with a glass eye
- You can eat with false teeth, you can’t see with a glass eye
- You can never over do Safety
- You can’t cure stupidity
- You can’t get home, unless you’re safe
- You come into this world tied off, so stayed tied off
- You fall, you call, we haul, that’s all
- You get the level of safety that you are prepared to walk past
- You get what you inspect – Not what you expect
- You light ‘em, we fight ‘em; you crash, we dash
- You safety gears are between your ears
- You will achieve the level of safety excellence that you demonstrate you want
- Your accidents affect others too
- Your first mistake could be your last
- Your future brightens with safety
- Your good health is your greatest wealth
- Your reward for working safely today.
- Your safety gears are between your ears
- Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours
- Your wife will spend your 401K; If you get killed at work today
- Zero compromise towards safety
- Zero tolerance on safety